Sunday 1 May 2011

Dr Who - Season 6 ep 2 (TV) With ep1&2 Summary

In this weeks episode we are back following the story 2 Month after what we saw last week.

It burst onto the screen with Amy running through the Utah desert being chased by 2 cars.
We also end up in Area 51 where The Dr is in captivity and is having a prison built around him, Rory is on top of Glen Canyon Dam and in typical River style she has jumped out of a New York building many stories up. Canton seems to be killing everyone and locking The Dr up in a cell, until of course the cell is locked so no one can see or hear inside, it all then become apparent that it's all just a plan.

Filmed mostly on location in Utah the area is vast and amazingly fitting to the story. The glorious scenery and mountains are something that is very different from Dr Who. We are so used to space ships and future cities, these two episodes have been very......rural and it's although its a terrain that the Dr himself is not used to, seeing as we hardly see him outside

The aliens of the first two episodes they are possibly the creepiest yet. They identify themselves as "The Silence" (referring back to what Prisoner Zero said in the 1st ep last year; "The Silence is coming") They are an alien race that have been around since the beginning of time, we just don't know it because they are plainly there when you see them, but when you turn away and you instantly forget that you saw them. 
What is truly worrying and weird is the fact that as viewers we a thrust into this "forgetting" business as we are fed scenes that haven't even happened, but that have happened to the character only they have forgotten. Not only that but they are pretty funny looking as well!!

The Dr gives everyone a device that they are told to use to record everything that happens when they are looking at the aliens called a Nano Recorder. It is implanted in everyone's hands so that their hand will glow orange when something has been recorded. The fact that one scene is happening and suddenly Amy's hand is glowing orange really puts the audience in the middle story.

Now, when watching Dr Who I always get the feeling that; yes it fits a brilliant story into 45min but then it has to rush the end to satisfy us. 
I love these 2 parter episodes because 1) it allows the writers and the show to expand more and 2) it gives us the audience a reason to carry on watching and gives us more information about what is happening. 

Of course the show cant just be a string of 2 parters so I am hoping that singular episodes to come find the balance, yet maintain the same excellence otherwise some of the episodes may get overshadowed by others.

Overall episode 1 and 2 have sparked an exiting start to the new series by providing a gripping story with 2 MASSIVE twists (that are sure to rear their heads later in the series) 

Well worth a watch as it shows that the series is only going to get better....... with no disappointment. 

Seasons 6 Ep 1&2:

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