Sunday 1 May 2011

Mr Big: What If...

Whether you know who Mr Big are or you don't there is one thing for certain, they are the most underrated Hard Rock band of all time and if you are one of the people that haven't heard of them..... you are totally missing out and I URGE you to download something of theirs NOW!!

Mr Big, although underrated, have a massive reputation that their true fans look at though; Billy Sheehan's amazing bass licks that can penetrate the soul, Paul Gilbert's ability to shred a sound so Godly that it could melt a face, Pat Torpey's uncanny ability to drum the way he does and make it look easy or Eric Martin's one of a kind voice. That said their reputation is something, in my opinion, that no other band can match. Richie Kotze replaced Paul Gilbert in 1999 but their albums since then seemed to lack what Mr Big truly were.

Mr Big broke up in 2002 but came back in 2009 for a reunion.

With a string of brilliant songs and tremendous albums, Mr Big have managed to keep their very unique style throughout their career and after listening to their new album "What If" their still 'Alive and Kicking'

The album takes some of their old fast paced style and mixes it with some new solid riffs and awesome lyrics. Every song on the album is different too which makes it a joy to listen to.

What If is an amazing come back album and the fact they brought Paul Gilbert back for it makes it a hell of a lot better!!

The thing I always find when listening to them is that I never want the song to end and they achieved this feeling with the new album to a great success. I completely recommend getting a hold of all of Mr Big work including What If as it is a brilliant album that is far to good to miss.

5 Stars!!

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